Leap Year

Leap Year is a romantic comedy directed by Anand Tucker. The film was released in 2010 and it counts with the participation of Amy Adams and Matthew Goode.
Two friends of mine from school recommended me to watch this film and I honestly don't regret.

Anna (Amy Adams) decides to travel to Ireland to propose to her cardiologist boyfriend, Jeremy Sloane. According to the Irish tradition, a man who receives a proposal on a leap day must accept it. However, when she arrives in Ireland she meets Declan (Matthew Goode) who was the owner of a local pub and hotel and a taxi driver. Although they did not like each other, he is the one who takes her to Dublin. Along the way, they fall in love with each other. In the end, she has to decide between the long-term boyfriend or the Irish man.

Leap Year Poster


My opinion:
     In my opinion, Amy and Matthew had a good chemistry. The characters had different personalities. Declan was a sarcastic and a wry person whilst Anna was the complete opposite. She was very romantic, a dreamer and idealist. I loved how in the beginning they started by hating and teasing each other. Nonetheless, that helped them to get closer and to gradually fall in love with each other.
    The story itself was very simple and easy to follow. There were also some funny scenes that will not make you laugh hysterically but will make you smile or giggle at least. I’m remembering the one with the cows or the one where Anna is explaining the reason why she was in Ireland and Declan just laughs at her.
    The ending was what I expected. She decides to leave her dream of living in an apartment in the perfect city with his long-time boyfriend behind and chooses to stay with Jeremy, the guy she never thought she would fall in love with. I also liked the fact that although Jeremy was hurt in the past by his ex-lover, he was able to start once again with another person instead of just giving up on love.
   Moreover, in this romantic comedy film there aren’t any explicit scenes so you can watch it peacefully with your family. However, if you prefer to watch movies with those crazy unexpected twists, this is probably not the best film for you. 
    I have watched Leap Year probably five times and it's one of my favourite films. I will recommend you to watch it if you love a sweet romantic story.
     Here is the trailer (I just want to warn you that the trailer kind of shows you the entire film...): 

Nb: I do not own any of these videos and pictures and I am not trying to infringe copyright here.

Have you watched Leap Year? If so, what is your opinion?

I hope you have a lovely day and week! (:

Jesika x


  1. Only started reading this post and came into the conclusion that I need to see this! Thanks for a great tip :)

  2. Aw you're welcome! I hope you like the film as much as I do! (:

    Jesika x

  3. So glad you loved it! The first time I enjoyed it so much that I watched it at least other twenties after that :)

    1. I also re-watched it a few times and I never get tired of it! It's really good!^^

      Jesika x


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