Our month in GIFs - April 2018

Here is what happened in our lives this month:

1 – This month I visited different places. I went to London, Cambridge, Oxford and Salisbury. I always enjoy visiting new places with my family and getting to know a bit more of England.


2 – I turned 20 this month as well. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

3 – Unfortunately, I got ill on my birthday and since then I haven’t been feeling very well. Now it’s getting better but it’s taking so long to fully recover.

4 – I started watching Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast and I’m loving it so much! I am now watching season 2.

5 – I ate a bubble wrap for the first time in London and it was delicious! I highly recommend!

1. I can’t believe that we are already at the end of April, this year is going so fast ... Anyway, to be honest, my month was nothing special. This semester I have a lot of works to do for some units at University. One of them, although it’s giving me a lot of headaches, it’s indeed interesting, for the discipline of comparative law. I have to compare the legal regime of culpa in contrahendo of Portugal, Germany and England. I am enjoying learning the differences between them, especially of England since is the total opposite.

2. At University, at the unit of comparative Law once again, a professor from the USA was invited to give two lectures on the basics of American law, and on "Law in the Age of Trump". Frankly, since I intend to work one day in other countries, this kind of subjects are truly appealing to me.

3. At the beginning of the month, I started to reflect on my fitness and how I have not been exercising for some time ... This way, I decided to start doing some exercise at home every day, like abdominals, squats, push-ups ... Sometimes I don't have the patience to do it, and skip a day, trying to compensate on the following day. However, I think that of all the times I've tried to have this routine, this is the one that is being more efficient. Let's see how long does it last...

4. My month was so boring ahah. Well, I left the best for the end. I was studying and simultaneously listening to music when this specific song showed up in my recommendations. The image called my attention, so I clicked on it. Let me tell you that it was one of my best decisions this month. The music's name is SnapShot by IN2IT, and I instantly loved it! It has a distinct style, and so has this group. I started stanning IN2IT. They are a relatively recent K-pop group, yet the members have so much talent and wonderful voices. IN2IT quickly become one of my favourite bands and I will continue to support them.

Nb: We do not own any of these GIFs.

We hope you have a lovely day!
Jesika & Mariana


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