Our month in GIFs - July 2017

We wanted to do something different and unique (just like our blog haha) so we decided to share our month in GIFs with all of you. Therefore, at the end of you each month you can expect these types of posts.

July is coming to an end hence here is what happened in our monotonous lives this month:

Jesika Gomes:
1 – July will probably be the most memorable month of this year because that is when our blog became active. It’s honestly one of the things that have made me truly happy this year.

2- I finished level 1 of Talk To Me in Korean and I have started level 2.

3 – I tried to teach my younger sister how to cook noodles but it didn’t go well.

 4 – I finally went to the beach twice last week for the first time this year. I thank god for those two beautiful and sunny days.

 5 – I received my grades from uni, and I have passed all the exams and all units.

6 – Unfortunately, these past few days I have been at home all the time because it’s been raining. Typical weather in England.. #boring

Mariana Nunes:
1 - My month started terribly with University and exams.

2 - I had probably one of the worsts days of the year.

3 - I received the news that I had passed all my second-semester units… something good lastly.

4 - I finally started my Summer holidays and returned to Madeira.

5 - I went to the beach.

6 - I had a shocking conversation.

7 - After all, July was a memorable month because it was the official birth of Aliferous, and I am really proud of that since it was one of the few things that went well this year.

Nb: We do not own any of these GIFs.

Jesika & Mariana


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