Friends - Funny favourite moments Part 1

We are both big fans of Friends. The actors are incredible and although Friends is a 90s TV show it will ALWAYS be iconic and very funny. If you are feeling down or if you want to have a good time with your friends, you must should this TV show.

Here some of our favourite moments:


2. I like big butts

3. Ross’s tan

4. Joey’s eyebrow

5. Chandler stuck in the toilet

6. The Routine

7. Fun Aunt Rachel

8. Ross buys a couch

9. The joy of taking a bath

10. The art of seduction


“How you doin’?”

Nb: We do not own any of these videos.

Do you like Friends? What is your favourite moment?

We hope you have a lovely day and week! (:

Jesika & Mariana 


  1. This is the best blog post I've ever read! Maybe I've just watched Friends too many times haha!

    Adventures With A |

    1. We are glad you liked the post and don't worry we have also watched Friends too many times but we never get tired of it!^^
      Jesika & Mariana x

  2. Thank you for reading and commenting! It is definitely one of the best TV shows ever! The cast is incredible! *-*
    Jesika & Mariana x


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