Trouble in the Supermarket

  Am I the only one that doesn’t like to go to the supermarket? No, Jesika doesn’t like it either. Am I really writing a post about how I hate to go to the supermarket, or honestly, shopping in general, and my experience (or lack of it) in it? Yes, of course. (I have such an interesting life, ahah!)

  To begin with, it’s an inevitable task, we all need to buy food to eat, and the basics to live and meet our needs. However, to be honest, every time that I go there, the moment I am passing through the doors of the establishment I am already thinking of leaving as soon as possible.  Seriously, sometimes I am talking with my mother on the phone and I say “Mom, I am going to the supermarket”, and we stay talking for a while until my mother affirms “Ok Mariana, I will leave you doing your shopping and we talk later”, and I just exclaim “I am already paying”, only to hear my mum yelling “It’s only been five minutes! What are you buying?!”. With this said, we can conclude that I usually forget to buy a lot of things, arriving home and realising “Damn it, I forgot to buy... (blah blah blah)” … I should know better by now.

  Faithfully, before I came to live in Lisbon, I avoided the task to the fullest, but not always because I had to help my parents from time to time. Notice that I said "help", yet the truth is that since I remember, the major part of times that I go shopping in the supermarket with my parents I go to the books section, and I stay there until I suddenly realise how much time has passed and that there is a slight chance that my parents have almost finished the chore. In one blessed day, I may have the luck to convince them to buy me a new book, on a bad day they will only say “We don’t know why we asked you to come, you barely help, and you even want a book!”, and I will return to my favourite section defeated, to put the manuscript in its place… Also, this can happen as well with chocolates, candy, gums, cake… You know, the good things. I probably look like this, wherever I go shopping with my family:

  Furthermore, the previously said happens when I am in Madeira, so what about Lisbon, without my family? I cannot avoid the task: I go there at least one time a week since I do tiny amounts of purchases at a time, that is, what is strictly necessary, and additionally, I already admitted that I try to be as fast as possible. However, this is only possible when the circumstances allow it, which brings me to the reason number one of why I hate going to the supermarket: the long and time-consuming waiting lines. Sure, it depends on the hour that you go, but to my great bad luck, whenever I go there the line is endless. If you have read some of my articles here on Aliferous, you probably know that I am not a very patient person, as a result, five minutes on the line and I'm already beating with my foot on the floor, arms crossed, constantly looking at the clock, and looking at nothing specific, waiting for the minutes to pass.

  Another aspect that I don’t like when I go to the supermarket is the fact that some people just don't know what personal space is. For instance, a few days ago I was on the line to pay and a lady was behind me. I try to leave a space between myself and the person who is ahead of me, yet this woman was almost on top of me, whenever she moved her wallet bumped me in the back, and even when I took a notorious deep breath, change often positions, or made faces of displeasure, she did not notice.

  Moreover, this point leads me to the next one: I hate the confusion and the amount of movement that this space has. There are people everywhere with their carts to put the items away, and many with their children. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s normal, but I dislike being in crowded places, I find it a mess. Sometimes when I want to get to a certain item the path is completely inaccessible as it is occupied by others, or else there are shopping carts everywhere, there are people who even realize that you are waiting to pass, do not stray… I am not saying that I am an example, yet it has already happened to me to leave the shopping cart in a corner just for the time needed to get something that was relatively close, and while I was reaching it I finally realized that someone was having difficulty to continue their way because my shopping car was preventing, I hastened to go and remove him, and I cordially apologized. On the other hand, once I was in the identical situation of that person, and I saw that the woman saw, still she continued her way as if I was not there. That really irritated me. For crying out loud, I am not saying to treat others as Lords, but a little bit of consideration or respect does not hurt anyone.

  Similarly, I am a very distracted and clumsy person seldom, so when there are many people around me or when I am trying to focus on what I am doing but equally trying to avoid bothering others and simultaneously I am with many things in my hands, there is a high likelihood of something going wrong. Once I was passing with the shopping cart from one runner to the other, and when I was diverting from someone I did not notice that there were some things hanging around the corner and I ended up laying half to the ground. 

  The amount of people everywhere, walking from one corner to the other is likewise one of the reasons that I don’t like to go shopping for clothes either, although the latter is less bad. This, and the fact that I walk through the stores, but I don’t choose anything until my mother exclaims “Haven’t you see anything for you yet?!”, and I simply reply “No.” probably annoying her more. Then, from the moment I have something chosen, I eventually just go with my father that is waiting at the store entrance (you can see who I resemble more). Curiously, even when I rarely go with my friends, things aren’t that different, since I wander through the corridors, not looking for anything specific, wanting the moment of the purchases to pass.

  Nevertheless, let's not divert more from the topic. I believe that you, reader, now understands the reason that I don’t like going to the supermarket. There are just too many people, and essentially, for me, it’s a pure mess. In addition, I hate the pressure when I'm paying and I feel like everyone's anxious behind me to do the same, and of course, there's the classic of being in line almost at our turn, and suddenly my mother exclaims "Ah daughter, I forgot something, wait here!", and I stay there not knowing what to do until she comes back, hoping that her return will be fast before we get to our turn.

  To conclude, apart from the bad thoughts that I have in shopping in the supermarket, for your likely surprise (since I only talked negatively until now) I can enumerate a few good points when you have the duty to do this unavoidable activity:

  The various delicious and decent food that you can purchase.

  That one item that you don’t need it, but you can’t resist the temptation. As a new cream, when you actually already have one at home, or a new lip balm just because it is a new flavour... 

  When you find out that an item you would never buy because it is too expensive is on sale, then you have a chance to get it.

I hope you are having a lovely day!

Nb: I do not own any of these GIFs.

Mariana Nunes


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