Tips for a better Study

   If you are in University, or in School, studying takes a big part of your life. You have your homework, oral presentations, group works and of course the exams. If we want to have a decent school route we have to study, even if sometimes the will is lacking. Moreover, some of these tips may be useful even if you are not at school/university, for example, if you want to learn a new language by yourself through an internet course.

  I share the opinion that throughout our lives, even after attending school, we should not stop looking for knowledge. We must keep our brains working, looking forward to not fall into monotony.

   Namely, I am in a course that requires a lot of studies. I spend a lot of time studying, however, I have the conscience that sometimes I don’t do things right. I mean, what is the use of spending hours looking at a book if we're not focused on what we're doing? Or if every five minutes we are checking the phone to see if we have messages from our friends? With this said, I have put together a set of tips with the aim of having a better study, based on my experience and advice that was given to me:

Avoid distractions

   Well, this is an obvious one. If you want to have a more productive and efficient study, you must avoid everything that can distract you from the books. For instance, your computer, tablet, a phone that leads you to your social networks, YouTube and the funny videos, Messenger, or other similar platforms that you use to talk with your friends, among others. Truly, it is better if you don’t have any of this technologies near you when you want to study. If you don’t have them by your side, you will feel less tempted to check them out.

Desk/room organized

   Talking by myself, I cannot study if I have my room in a chaos, or if my desk is a mess of books, notebooks, papers, pens and markers everywhere. It makes me a lot of confusion. This way, the first thing that I do before I begin my studies is organising the space where I am, in order to have everything that I will need by hand.


   Not all of us are lucky enough to have a place where we can study quietly without being disturbed. In this context, we cannot forbid other people from living their lives. Additionally, there are individuals that feel better when studying with background noise. As a result, you can listen to music if you want to muffle the noise of other people or just concentrate better. For me, Classical music is the ideal in these kinds of situations.

Take notes

   Sometimes, when we are in the class, we have the tendency to only write down in our notebooks the information that the teacher writes on the board. Although those notes are undoubtedly relevant, we cannot forget that during the lesson the teacher shares more important knowledge, being beneficial for us, as students, to take notes of what is said. In addition, taking notes helps the student be more focused on the class, the time seems to move faster (since we are not always looking at the clock to see how more minutes of “annoyance” we have to suffer), and when we arrive home we have our transcriptions to review what was taught in class.

Finding an Effective Study Method

   From the moment we discover our ideal study method, things improve significantly, in the sense that the study becomes much more productive, and we achieve better results. There are people that like to do summaries of the subject, others like to read aloud until they know all the necessary information… Honestly, I do both: I like to say the subject out loud to decorate it more easily, as well as writing countless times the explanations and crucial concepts in a paper until I know everything exact. There are also people for who is enough to read the information once or twice, and they are prepared to be put to the test. Unfortunately, I am not one of those persons, if I try to do that, by the time I notice, I am thinking about everything but law.

Do exercises

   The theory is very important. Furthermore, if we want to learn how things are made on a day to day basis, in practice, we have to study the reasons, the story, evolution, the various theories... Yet, after we study that part, it is crucial to test our knowledge, in order to see if we are prepared or not on the subject.


   In my point of view, markers are a must if your study involves a lot of texts that cover a considerable amount of valuable information. You can choose your favourite colour, or, if you are like me, almost all and create a rainbow in your notes or books. Likewise, I actually assign to each colour a meaning: the sentences marked in orange are very important, the ones in green are the explanation, blue or pink is for the ones with articles and dates and yellow is for the concepts and relevant titles. You can create your own system as you wish.


   Don't forget to eat. You won't be able to concentrate at all if you skip meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the principal ones, yet eat some snacks in between such as cookies, fruit, a sandwich, even a chocolate once in a while to give energy.

Do a pause when you feel that you need

   If you see that things are not going well and that your study is not being productive, don't worry. Just stop and go do something that you enjoy: talk with your family or friends, play a game, see an episode of your favourite TV Show... You will see that following this pause, after you rest your brain, when you return to your desk, your study will be richer than before.

Try to do it regularly

   What I have noticed a lot of time ago is that studying one or two days before the exam, even a week, might be enough for that specific evaluation, but in the next day we eventually forgot almost everything about the subject.  If we get used to studying daily, slowly, we will understand better what we are learning, and we will not fell desperate to finish in a short amount of time the stuff we need to know for the test. This is much more advantageous for us in the long run.

   I hope these tips help you have a better studying. Believe me, I know that studying can be really hard sometimes, especially when we are very tired, worried about other problems, or simply without the will to spend hours looking for endless texts… Sometimes, things don’t go the way we expected, and we just want to throw all the books, and other times we sit, open our books, only to spend half of the time staring at the letters without reading them, or the walls of our room wondering about subjects that have nothing to do with what we need. Yet, the study is necessary if we want to achieve our goals, and learn more about the subject we are interested in.

"People who make the choice to study, work hard or do whatever they endeavour is to give it the max on themselves to reach the top level. And you have the people who get envy and jealous, yet are not willing to put that work in, and they want to get the same praise."
- Evander Holyfield

Have a lovely day!

Mariana Nunes


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