are the perfect way to run away from your life full of problems.
And no, you may be thinking but I am not a nerd. Just a girl
without a social life.
I was studying one of my favourite units of Law (that one that
gives you the desire to throw your books out of the window), when in a moment
of distraction (one of many) I realized the number of books that I have on my
table, wondering what is so appealing to them, what do I like the most about
them… Then I remembered of my room in Madeira, where I have all my favourite
books perfectly organised. (eheh, again, not a nerd)
Namely, the best
of books is that they make us enter into another dimension. For moments, we
forget about real life, our problems, the diary stress that we have to deal
with, the repetitive news on TV that makes us wonder in which world we live and
how things have changed and got to a point where effects may be irreversible.
For that precious moments, we focus only on that characters and their
adventures, the emotions that they transmit us.
doesn’t matter if it is a Romance, a Science Fiction, a Mystery, pure Fantasy…
each kind, when well written, make us hold our breath with is respective plot
and characters, give us the desire to argue with the author when one of our
favourites characters is cruelly killed, pass interminable moments trying to
guess what is going to happen next (when we should be doing other things, for
example, me that should be studying at this moment), and finally, have that
moment of satisfaction when we arrive at the last page and we close the book
with the sensation of duty accomplished (or simple depression for finishing a
great novel).
sum up, time is a VERY limited resource. Some of you may prefer to wait until
the movie of certain book comes up or because don’t want to spend the few free
times that have reading, or just because don’t like to read, but in my opinion,
and don’t get me wrong on this I love the cinema, nothing can compare to the
feeling to read the book, fell that we are a part of the context, and know the
characters better than anyone.
hours that you spent reading are always worth it!
do you like the most about reading?
hope you’re having a good day!
Nb: I do not own any of these gifs and I am not trying to infringe copyright here.
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