Our month in GIFs - July 2018

1. First of all, I would like to say something that unfortunately I forgot to mention in the last Our month in GIFs post, not because it wasn't relevant, quite the opposite, but because, well, it was just a forgetfulness: in June I had the opportunity to go to Madeira for a week between exams. By pure coincidence, one of my best friends went to Madeira in the same week, so after more than one year without seeing her personally, I finally get the chance to take a coffee with her and talk with her properly. We had our issues throughout this time, and we managed to solve that, putting all of that behind. I am happy about that. I missed being with her, annoying her and enjoy my coffee with her. I hope it doesn't take long until we are all together again.

2. I also forgot to mention that last month I started studying the basics of the Korean language. It wasn't too much, because I had to worry with University, but it was enough to get an idea of what I am getting into. I have some time in the next month so I will have to decide which language do I want to learn first: Korean or Italian. One thing at a time, it's not worth it to be trying both at the same time if I'm not doing it properly.

3. With this said, let's talk about July. To begin with, my second year at University has come to an end. The first semester was so hard that in the second I studied the double. In the end, I can say for sure that I ended up much better than when I started.

4. So I ultimately can say that I am on summer vacations!

5. This way, I already went to the beach a couple of times. Nevertheless, I'm still white as the one and only, Snow White.

6. I read The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins. Honestly, I found the story very interesting and unique, however the main character, Rachel, a little bit annoying. I was also expecting more, I don't know how to explain. Yes, the plot was good, but I heard so many compliments about the book that I presume that my expectations were too high. Overall, it was an enjoyable reading.

7. Like I said in previous posts, the plan was to continue my driving lessons in the Summer. That is certainly what is happening. Actually, I started them again yesterday. Oh, the stress...

8. I am certain that this is not important at all, yet I will write that here anyway: I had my hair cut. I usually do it in the summer, but I don't remember cutting it so short as now. I went there thinking "I will tell the hairdresser to cut my hair about 4 centimetres", and I left the place with my hair above my shoulders. I went from "What have I done?!" to "It doesn't matter, it will grow".

9. This month was filled with comebacks in the K-pop world that I appreciated so much: MAMAMOO (Egotistic is so good! I adore it!), Triple H (Finally! I like 365 FRESH and RETRO FUTURE is been stuck in my head.), SEUNGRI (I had high expectations and he didn't disappoint, I cherished every song that I heard from the album so far!), KARD (I adore their voices so much! Ride on the wind is very addictive.), TWICE (Dance The Night Away is such an addictive song.), IN2IT (I was very excited when I knew that they were coming back. Sorry For My English is such a fun song to listen!), between others.

10. Maintaining the topic of music, Twenty One Pilots also released new songs for their upcoming album Trench. I am looking forward to hearing their new album, and not only for that. I and one of my best friends made phenomenal - and still hard to believe - plans for next year! But that is a story for another time.

11. Last but not least, Aliferous celebrated its first-year anniversary. We are very proud. This year is not going as we expected. I guess that's life... After all, our blog is something that makes us gratified. I hope that Aliferous grows with us through the time.

We don't own any of these GIFs.
Have a lovely week!
Mariana Nunes


  1. Should I feel honoured that I got mentioned at least 2 times in this post ? I still can't believe that we're going to see Twenty One Pilots, and also, thank you for almost making me cry at the airport because of the first text . Love you mon cherri ��

    G x

    1. Yes, you should ahah 😅😙 ... Me neither, it's unbelievable! Oh there's no need to cry. Me too mon Ferrero Rocher 😚😘😘

  2. I always feel honoured when I get mentioned ahah .
    I know, I can't wait!! Only 222 days left! ��������
    And yeah, I was at the airport waiting for my flight that was delayed when I read this, made me feel emotional .

    G x

    1. It's going to be a unique experience, I can't wait!
      Oh, you know how I am, I make people feel emotional with my unique aura, ahah I'm joking 😂😚

    2. So this is what it feels like to be a third wheel in a relationship. Disappointed but not surprised smh - Jesika


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