Why I have been away

As you may have noticed it has probably been two months since my last post was published here in the blog. Unfortunately, these last few months have been difficult for me due to unexpected health issues. In August I was diagnosed with severe anaemia (again) and Crohn’s disease. At the moment, I’m taking medication to relieve the pain and soon I will start another treatment.

I have always been 100% committed with this blog but because of my situation, I have no conditions to keep publishing new posts at least for now. Therefore, I have decided to take a break from posting and focus on my physical and mental health.  I rather wait until I feel better than keep posting just for the sake of it. With this said, I promise to be back with new posts every week once I feel fully recovered.

See you soon!

Jesika x


  1. I really hope you feel better soon! I was diagnosed with severe anemia 2 years ago and it turned out I was suffering for years...I know what the pain is and I'm really sorry.

    Mariya | www.brunetteodemand.com

  2. Thank you! I hope you're feeling better than before as well! Take care of yourself! xx


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