Books that I want to read this Summer


 My favourite time of the year is coming: The Summer! The time to relax from a stressful year at University, enjoy the sun and the beach, swim, eat Ice Cream, drink Slurpees… If you've visited this blog previously, you know that I adore reading, however, during the major part of the year I am very busy with University, and to be honest, I read a lot of Law books, so I prefer to not mix my Faculty readings with the other ones. Unfortunately, this only allows me to read my non-academic books when I'm on vacation, but for now, I prefer things to be that way.

  With this said, my second year at University it's coming to end (one month and I am finally free!), and I cannot wait to have time to read new books and continue the series that I have already previously start. I was doing a pause in my studies and I start to wonder what do I want to read this Summer, and here is my conclusion:

The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins
  I've already read Into the Water, by the same author, since of the two books this was the one I was more curious about. I really liked Hawkins way of writing, so I look forward to reading the famous book The Girl on the Train.

  The Girl on the Train portraits the story of Rachel, an ordinary girl that catches the same commuter train every morning. Every day, she watches the same houses, the same people... she especially likes to observe the house of a precise couple. Rachel even thinks of imaginary names and lives for them. However, the happy life that she always thought that they lived, it's not like that. Namely, she sees something wrong that leaves her disturbed. As a consequence, Rachel speaks to the police. From here, she becomes an integral part of a dizzying succession of events, affecting the lives of all involved.

  In my opinion, the plot seems very interesting, and I am very curious about Rachel backstory and about what did she saw that left her so disturbed.

Glass Sword, by Victoria Aveyard
  Glass Sword is the sequel of Red Queen, a series initiated by Victoria Aveyard. Of course, I have already read the first book and I absolutely loved it. The end left me very interested in the next events.

  Glass Sword continues to follow the story of our protagonist Mare Barrow. In fact, she possesses a unique power in a society that divides people in the ones that are ordinary, having Red blood, and the powerful ones that have Silver blood and have special powers (for instance, the ability to control fire or water). Mare and her family are Red: plebeians, humble, destined to serve a Silver elite whose supernatural powers make them almost Gods. However, Mare discovers that she has the Silver ability: the power to control the lightning bolts. As a consequence, she has turned into a weapon that the Royal Court tries to control. In a series of events, Mare is declared a traitor of the Crown, and she is cruelly betrayed by her special friend, Prince Maven. Pursued by him, she comes to find that she is not the only one of her kind. Now, her goal is to form an army against the oppressive nobility, and take revenge on Maven.

  One of the things that I want to know is how Mare's next encounter with Maven will be, taking into account that he turned out to be a traitor and a malicious person. I think that he still loves her, actually... In addition, I question how will Mare's and Cal (Maven's older brother, the heir to the throne) relationship develop, since he was also betrayed by his little brother, was declared a traitor, and run away with her. He likes Mare as well. A love triangle that I look forward to seeing how it will develop.

A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. R. Martin
  As you may know, I am a fan of the series Game of Thrones. I enjoy watching the TV Show so much that I decided that I wanted to read the famous books that inspired such an amazing show. Last Summer I was only able to read A Game of Thrones, the first book. Nevertheless, this Summer I intend to continue my reading. I already have the next two books in my shelve at home waiting for me!

  If you don't know, A Song of Ice and Fire portraits the story of the seven kingdoms of Westeros, in which some families fight to be on the Iron Throne, and others fight for their independence. We follow the journey of the House Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Targaryen, Tyrell and others. The writing captivates the reader from the beginning until the very last word, it's amazing. It has everything: romance, adventure, drama, fantasy... It's indeed a true masterpiece.

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, by Becky Albertalli
  Jesika recently read and did the review of this book here in Aliferous (click here if you are interested in reading). When we talked about the book I got instantly curious about Simon story.

  The main character, Simon, is sixteen years old, and he hides the fact that he is gay from everyone. Additionally, with the pseudonym Jacques, he emails someone called Blue, and with time his feelings for Blue become deeper making him want to know the real identity of the person his emailing to. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight.

  Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda seems to be a book that touches delicate subjects that need to be more talked in our Society.

The Crown, by Kiera Cass
  The Selection is one of my favourite books series. I adored the first three books, namely The Selection, The Elite and The One. The romance of America and Maxon is simply everything! Unfortunately, The Heir did not live up to my expectations. In my perspective, Kiera should have stopped the series in the third book. Well, she didn't do that, instead, she decided to continue the series in the perspective of America and Maxon eldest daughter, Princess Eadlyn.

  The Crown follows Eadlyn, the first princess of Illéa to hold her own Selection, twenty years after the one in which her parents, Maxon and America, fell in love. She didn't want to be a part of a selection and she still isn’t sure that she’ll find the fairytale that her parents found, but as always, life does not happen as we expect.

  The thing is, I did not like Eadlyn's attitude in The Heir at all, she is always complaining and sometimes I don't think she values how fortunate she is to live in her position, nor the efforts that both of her parents made to make the Society more egalitarian and just.

  I am going to read the final book - The Crown - because I hate to leave things unfinished, and with a minimum hope that I will like more this one. Sadly, I doubt it, yet I will give it a chance.

  In conclusion, these books are the priorities on my list for this Summer. That doesn't mean that I won't read anything else. In fact, if time (and money) allows, I would like to read other works of literature. As the quote says:

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.”
― William Styron

What are the books that you want to read this Summer?

I do not own any of these images and I am not trying to infringe copyright.

I hope you have a lovely week!

Mariana Nunes


  1. They look interesting! I like your blog, would you like to follow each other?:)

    1. I am glad that you liked the books. Thank you, and of course!


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