10 Quirky Facts and Habits About Us

This week we decided to share our quirky facts so that you can get to know us a little bit more. If there’s something you can relate to then let us know in the comments.

Jesika Gomes:
1 – I know this can offensive for some people so read at your own risk. When I used to eat cereals, I would always pour the milk first. I find it weird to do it the other way around.
2 – Every time I go to university or to the hospital, I always use my right foot first to walk. I know this is just a superstition but I actually believe it gives me good luck hahah
3 – The first thing I do every day after I wake up is to say “Thank you Universe for another day alive. Today is a good day to have a good day!”
4 – I have always had problems to sleep. However, if I put my thumb in between my indicator and middle finger I can sleep better
5 – Whenever I have to drink something, I don’t swallow it straight away. Instead I puff my cheeks as a way to store the drink and then I will slowly swallow it. The main reason I do this is because if swallow it quickly I feel like I will choke and die hahaha

Mariana Nunes:
1. I am very competitive, especially with my sisters, and between them mainly with my sister Raquel. I even downloaded Candy Crush Saga to get ahead in the levels: I'm missing more than 1000 levels to get there, but it's probably going to happen one day (don't judge me, my father shares the same goal as me ahahah) ... I get a great sense of pride when Raquel admits that I am right and she isn't (which according to her "happens extremely rarely").
2. I am not a morning person. I remember that once my French teacher, whose lesson was the first in the morning, said that I'd come into the classroom practically sleeping, but then I would wake up gradually as time went by.
3. When I was a child, my dad told me that in his childhood he learned from someone that leave a book open overnight was bad: so one of those many superstitions. I don't usually care about superstitions, yet, since then, I rarely leave a book open, when I am not reading it.
4. I have this necessity when I am organising my secretary, or something else, to leave everything perfectly lined up.
5. I have a pretty agitated sleep for certain periods, and I also dream a lot, which honestly I don't like because the next day I don't feel like I fully rested. The funny thing is, in this scope I sometimes remember one time when I was little when my family had to go to France. We stayed in my grandparents' house and there wasn't a lot of space so I had to sleep with my parents. My father later said that I gave them so many kicks while I slept that he went to sleep on the uncomfortable couch in the living room. We all still laugh to that story.

We hope you have a marvellous weekend!

Jesika & Mariana


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