10 Quotes We Live By

  Hello! Did you miss our blog posts? You probably didn't even notice our absence. Nevertheless, there is no need to wait anymore, we are back at it again, stronger than ever! Well, we will try...

  After not writing for Aliferous for several months, we finally feel prepared to return, and what a better way to do it than with an article written by the two of us? Jesika suggested doing a post dedicated to some quotes that inspire us and I loved the idea. In the past, we wrote some posts that allowed you, readers, to know us better, our personalities and the way that we see life, this one has the same intention.

  Further, in this post, we share quotes that we live by and we hope that they motivate you as well.

What is a meaningful life? A meaningful life is different for everyone because everyone has different desires. What is it that you want to do in order to give meaning to your life? Do you want to travel? Help charities? Learn languages? It’s up to you to choose what you to do in your life. Of course, you cannot have complete control of what will happen in your life. Sometimes unexpected circumstances can arise but you still have the power to imagine how you want your life to look like and take action to turn your imagination into reality.

Growing up it’s about overcoming challenges in life and learning lessons from those challenges. Instead of complaining because bad things keep happening to you, learn to see those “bad things” as an opportunity to grow and become more mature. It’s about not making the same mistakes you did in the past because you have learnt an important lesson from those "mistakes".

I think this quote is extremely important for our society since so many people are obsessed with social media. I know people who constantly check on their social media to see how many likes a picture has. It’s crazy how some people give so much value to an insignificant number. What is the point of having 1 like or 100 likes if you cannot love yourself? You can even have the most liked picture on Instagram or Facebook but it means nothing when you cannot look at yourself in the mirror and be happy with who you are and what you see. Only when you love yourself you can give love to others.

We all have compared ourselves with other people at least once in our lives. It can be really hard not to compare to others especially when everyone seems to be doing better than you. However, every individual is unique with different talents, desires and opportunities in life. There is no point comparing to others because each of us was meant and created to be different and everyone is supposed to blossom and thrive differently.

Everyone is worthy regardless of how many times they have succeeded or failed in life. The truth is that everyone has ups and downs. That’s just the normal cycle of life. Despite the number of times you succeed or fail what really matters is your dedication and persistence. Don’t forget that the most successful people in this world are the ones who have failed many times but haven’t given up!

Avatar: The Last Airbender may be a "Show for children" but it's very complex, and even an adult can learn a lot from it. There are a few inspiring and mature quotes that the TV Show provides to the viewer, but this is my favourite. There are so many moments when we lose hope, that everything goes wrong, and it seems we will not have a sight of light any time soon. No one likes these moments, but we have to accept that our life won't always be unicorns and rainbows, unfortunately. I read in a book that the hardest experiences in our life are the ones that we will remember the most once we are old because when we overtake them, we will feel an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. Life won't always be easy, however, we can't give up, we have to keep fighting, and eventually, we will come to a better place.

In life, there are so many situations that we face in which we don't agree with someone else. Seldom, if something it's not of my taste I am pretty sure that my expression tells it all. However, on some occasions, the better choice is simply to smile and agree. Just let it go and later do as you please.

One of my greatest fears is to die young, without doing everything that I dream of. Nowadays, if we sit in the kitchen watching the news we hear about so many tragedies everywhere in the World. So many people that don't get the chance to accomplish their aspirations, I mean there are so many people that don't even have the minimum quality of life. Truly, I am very aware that, even with all the difficulties, I am very lucky. But I am getting off topic... One day, if I get there, I don't want to be that old grumpy woman upset by the choices I did not make and the opportunities I lost. I don't want to feel that I could have done more. We can't take anything for granted, and sometimes we should take risks. Namely, we have to live every day as if it is the last one. (Says the girl in pyjamas and robe who hasn't done almost anything productive all day ahah. Well, you get what I intend to say, yet that doesn't mean that we can't have our lazy days occasionally)

There's absolutely nothing wrong in being confident. In fact, in my opinion, you should show confidence in your daily life - in your classes, workplace, relationships, etc - even if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing. The problem is when you're not willing to listen to others, or when you assume that you are the only one right and everyone else is wrong. We don't know everything, and probably never will.

Have you ever, been minding your own business, not bothering anyone, and someone just looks at you and exclaims "Oh My God, why are you so silent? Just talk, we are between friends right?". Let me tell you, I have lost the count of times that this happened to me. I am an introvert, so it's very difficult for me to be an open person. Therefore, I am polite, but in the majority of the situations, I prefer to stay quiet. In addition, what's wrong in being silent? When someone tells me that I should talk more, interact more or go out more with friends, I tend to feel bad, I think "Maybe I should socialise more", and start to blame myself for not being able to do it since at the end of the day I am still the same person. It's ridiculous, why should I feel bad because I stayed at home comfortably doing something that I enjoyed, and not going out with friends, just because someone told me so? If someone tells me to jump out of a bridge, will I? No, and I will not feel bad about that. Maybe it's a radical comparison, but it hopefully delivers what I intend to express. Don't feel bad because you are "the silent person of the group" or because someone told you that you are not cool because you decided to not go out and enjoy your time at home. You are the one who makes the choices in your life. Beside this, being an introverted doesn't make you a less interesting person, at all.

We don't own any of these images.

Jesika & Mariana


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